
Average score 675 Reviews
Carla Cattan noted on Google

Le service était rapide et les plats très bons. (Translated by Google) The service was fast and the food was very good.

1 month ago
Jm Baxerres noted on Google

Très bien ! (Translated by Google) Alright !

1 month ago
M C noted on Google

1 month ago
Frederik Van Hecke noted on Google

1 month ago
Vanessa Paille noted on Google

1 month ago
Erwan JOUD noted on Google

Super pho! Et la gentillesse qui va avec. (Translated by Google) Great photo! And the kindness that goes with it.

1 month ago
Alexandre Crozat noted on Google

Hyper serviable, très sympathiques, donne des bonbons a la fin. (Translated by Google) Super helpful, very friendly, gives candy at the end.

2 months ago
Romain Brami noted on Google

Un bon resto de quartier, cuisine variable en fonction des plats, globalement très bien (Translated by Google) A good neighborhood restaurant, cuisine varies depending on the dishes, overall very good

2 months ago
Véronique Diez noted on Google

Paris 12ème (Translated by Google) Paris 12th

2 months ago
Kévin Rocher noted on Google

2 months ago

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